Ayer Neuroscience Institute Multiple Sclerosis Center

Nearly 1 million people in the United States are living with multiple sclerosis, a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease.

Understanding your symptoms can be a long and frustrating journey and being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis can be frightening. The experts at the Ayer Neuroscience Institute Multiple Sclerosis Center are here to provide the best treatment available to minimize the effects of multiple sclerosis on your life. We also are here to support your caregivers, as they are a vital component of your care.

The Multiple Sclerosis Center is part of the Neuroimmunology Department. Neuroimmunology is the study of the nervous system and immune system. Our specialists are experts in multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. We have been designated a Center for Comprehensive MS Care by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society because of our breadth of services.

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A Center for Comprehensive MS Care

The Center has been designated a Center for Comprehensive MS Care by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society after a rigorous application process.

The breadth of services coordinated by the HHC MS Center team earned the prestigious national designation.

About the Multiple Sclerosis Center

Our neuroimmunology specialists understand this complexity and can help diagnose and treat you.

Multiple Sclerosis News

September 26, 2023

New Medication Offers MS Remission at Lower Cost

A new option promises cost-effective relief for people experiencing multiple sclerosis relapses that don’t respond to other medications. Affecting almost [...]

March 24, 2023

A Closer Look at Multiple Sclerosis

It’s estimated that close to a million people in the United State are living with multiple sclerosis (MS). It’s unclear [...]

October 20, 2022

Actress Selma Blair Drops From Dancing Competition Due to Multiple Sclerosis

After several weeks of performance, the rigors of competing in the reality show “Dancing with the Stars” proved too much [...]

Neuroimmunology Department

Whether you are recently diagnosed or are looking for continued care for your condition, we are committed to helping you live as comfortably and fully as possible.